Monday, January 17, 2011

An Incident

I read down the list.
My heart being like a uncontrollable
drum.  I stare down the paper like a hawk. 

The top reads "Basketball Team Roster."
I see an Isiah, a Kelvin, a Peterson, but
 not a Gabriel.

My face turns pale and my mind
goes blank.  Not knowing what to do or
say, I just walk away into the frigid night.

I don't make a grin or say a word.
I just walk all the way home, feeling
sorry for myslef, and I remember how my
name wasn't even mentioned.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Description on poem, The Incident

I decided to write about the poem; The Incident.  What I notice about this poem is how it is almost written as a story.  Its like the poet took a passage from a story and decided to write about it.  You don't find people writing poems on that kind of thing. 

The poem really describes the characters well and the setting.  For example, the poem clearly states how the character had never been a victim of name calling like that.  He never really thought anyone would call him that.  In the poem it says how the boy never forgot that incident the whole summer.  That brief encounter really changed him.  I can tell that that he lived in a time period and place where that would really wasn't used by kids.  I hate to say it, but now, it seams that, that would is use so much now.  And sometimes its not even said to be disrespectful.

Another thing I got was how the two boys were the same age.  Even though the author doesn't say directly how old the boy who cursed at the other boy was he still said, "he was not that whit bigger than me." 

Description on Painting

 Henri Martin, La Pensée, Femme en Méditation dans un Bosquet de Laurier Rose

This painting is called La Pansee Femme en Meditation danws un Bosquet da Laurier Rose.  It was painted by Henri Martin. 

I like is picture because of how it is focused on a women, yet she is not looking directly at you.  Her face is to the side.  Maybe thats because she is a lonely person or a shy person.  Another thing that I like about this painting is how her face is blurred out, even though she is the center of the picture her. 

The background of this photo is very beautiful and the flowers are very colorful and bright.  The women seems to be the darkness of the piainting.  The negative side of the painting.  Another thing I noticed is that the womens hand is up to her face.  Maybe that means she is thinking.  She is in the middle of a thought or idea.  Maybe thats the reason why she isn't looking directly at you.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

poem on picture

 Josef Wenglein, Children picking flowers in sunny automn forest

A trail that never ends. 
Trees with not many leaves. 
Is this a place of beauty, or a place of

I go down this trail and what
do I see.  Nothing but a
surplus of  brown blurred out

The grey blue sky fills this place.
How long will it take before
it is replaced?  How long will it take
before the sun comes down
and all you can see is a dead
beat tree?

Will this trail ever end?  Or will
it keep on going, like the earth we live