Sunday, December 12, 2010

Authors note

Racism and bullying has been a part of almost everyones lives.  It can be just some kid laughing at anotherkid or a man brutally hurting someone because of their color or creed.  It happens to everyone but from what I have found, it happens the most in schools.  And thats what i've decided to base my book on. How kids bully eachother during school.  But sometimes it causes kids to take their own lives.  One student from Rutgers college comitted suicide because two of his fellow schoolmates were making fun of him because he was gay. Know one should have to take their life because they are a little different from the others. In my research it states that out of 800 school staff members who were interviewed, two-thirds of them said they were aware that racism and bullying were a problem in their school's. 

If you were two ask anyone in any school you would probably find that almost everyone of them have gotten bullied in their life.  Lets face it, no matter how hard you try, bullying will seem to always find you.  Its part of life.  I have been bullied in my life because I where glasses or becuase i'm chinese.  Another thing is that if you were to ask any kid if they have bullied in their life, their answer would most likely be yes.  Bullying comes in so many different forms and you may not think you have but even if you call someone names for a second you are still bullying.

Racism and bullying has been part of Americas past for as long as anyone can remember and it will probably be around forever.  It happens to almost everyone and probably everyone has been the reason for it.  But people should take more action in bullying and racism.  It seems to just drift away everytime it happens.  Kids shouldn't get killed or kill themselves because of it.  I hope that this book can make little kids be aware of it now so they don't end up doing it when they get older.


Bloom, A.. (2009, April). Racist bullying rife in schools, says poll. The Times Educational Supplement : TES,(4836), 3.  Retrieved December 12, 2010, from Discovery.

Greene, Michael B. "Reducing School Violence: School-Based Curricular Programs..." Prevention Researcher Vol. 15, No. 1. Feb. 2008: 12-16. SIRS Researcher. Web. 12 Dec 2010.